Part 12: Sins of the Fathers 12: Bye, Crash.
Part 12: Bye, Crash.Okay, so next I think we better check on
Arcade Hartridge and see if hes got anything for me yet.

Mr. Knight. Youre back. Oh goody.
Jesus, did Gabriel just fuck
everyones mom in a past life?

Have you had any luck yet with that veve?

Im still working on it, Mr. Knight. When Im finished, youll be the first to know.
Okay, well that was marginally more polite. Now comes the big stumper moment
what the fuck are we supposed to do now? Because to the best of my knowledge, the game gives you precisely zero hints as to what were supposed to do next. So what do we do, you ask?

Well, were supposed to go here, the Jackson Square Overlook.

Here we find a variety of those old pay binocular things that were everywhere for awhile, and we need to use the one on the furthest left to see the northeast corner of the park.

Who is that?

Thats Crash. What the hell is he up to with that drummer?
Yeah, Crash, remember him? We met him briefly the other day when Mosely was convinced that he was involved in the Voodoo Murders. He wanders up to the north of the screen, which leads directly to the St. Louis Cathedral, so we head there next.
Yep, there he is
and he dont look too good. He also wont talk to Gabriel at first, continuing to deny everything unless we show him the snake bracelet. At that point, he shows Gabriel that he has the same snake tattooed on his chest, and agrees to answer some questions, however he evades or refuses a straight answer
except when hes asked about the drummer he was talking to, Crash begins to panic.

Promise you wont say nothin to no one! Itll get back to em, everything does! Promise me you wont tell ANYONE you saw me!

O-kay, but you have to tell me everything I want to know.

Okay, Okay. I was sending a message, man. They have these Rada drummers posted around the Quarter. They see everything, and they report.

Report? How?

The drums, man! Its some kinda code.
Now, if you think about it, this is kind of ingenious. Hell, bucket drummers across New York could be secretly communicating
right this very second
. Anyway, Crash begins giving straight answers on all the subjects he knows about. He confirms that the cult is real, the murders are genuine Voodoo, and he is
scared to fucking death of them. But the big info shows up when hes asked about the Voodoo
Hounfour at this point:

All right! Theres this underground cartel in New Orleans
a Voodoo cartel. They control everything that happens on the street
I mean EVERYTHING thats bought or sold. They have their fingers in the legit world too
banks, foreign stuff, you name it. Theres supposed to be this temple
what you said, a
hounfour. Thats their headquarters. I heard people say its underground, somewhere in the French Quarter
I dont know where.

Have you ever been there?

No, no, Ive never been in it. Im nobody. A runner. But I saw them once
out at the lake. They became animals, man
beasts! I remember the eyes!<choke> The eyes!

Hey, are you okay?

The eyes
the eyes
of the snake!

I think I should go get a doctor! Someone! I need help!

The eyes of the snake!

What snake? Crash?
And with that, Crash just drops dead instantly.

Oh, God! Poor bastard!
So were alone with a fresh corpse in a church. Better rifle through his stuff I suppose.

Ew. Actually, we, uh, need to lift his shirt.

Oh yeah, this, uh, isnt weird at all. In a church. Anywho, using Gabriels artistic talents, we copy down the tattoo. And after that, we just leave Crashs corpse sitting in a pew, in a church, with his shirt hiked up around his armpits. Classy.
Well, after witnessing a mysterious death and molesting a corpse in a house of God, Gabriel wisely decides to call this a fucking day, and heads back to St. Georges Books for the night. And then he gets on the phone.


Its me. I cant sleep.

Me neither.

Can I

Yes. Come.
Oh, Im sure he will, Ms. Gedde.

So Gabriel arrives back after Grace opens the shop. And for the record,
the creepy fucking dude is still there.

Are you OK, Gabriel?

<yawn> Sure. Great. Why?

Im worried about you.

If I were any better, Grace, Id be dead. Now whats up?

You got another package this morning. Fed Ex, from Germany.

I was expecting that. Where is it?

kind of came open, but I salvaged the contents. There was a letter from your great uncle Wolfgang, and a journal.

The package just came open, huh? Howd you like the journal?

"Someone has to look after you. Youre in trouble in case you dont know it.

Yeah, youve been reading my horoscope again, havent you, Grace?

Just read the journal carefully, Gabriel. PLEASE.
At that point, the store phone rings, with Hartridge on the line.

You did. Wait, slow down
Agris? Really? You think thats them? The wheel-within-a-wheel?
Ogoun Badagris, huh? Well, that does sound like it.
Damballah, the snake? Thats the wavy pattern at the bottom. Okay. The 1791 slave revolt in Santo Domingo? Well why would the veve show up there? Uh-huh. Okay. Okay. Okay. Look, Ill come over as soon as I can. Okay. Relax, Professor! Im excited too, but youre going to give yourself a heart attack! Okay. Thanks. See ya.

I wish youd tell me whats going on. I swear, youre going to step into a hole you may never get out of.

Dont look so worried. No one knows what Im doing.

I think this guy begs to differ, Gabriel.

Im perfectly safe, and Im getting some GREAT stuff for the book. Besides, theres something about all this. My dreams

What ABOUT your dreams?

Nothing. Ill be careful. I promise.
Well, time to check the paper.

Well that does it for tonight, stay tuned for more SHOCKING developments when we read the journal, talk to Uncle Wolfgang (who is another amazing character, by the way), and speak with Hartridge about the veve!